Gigapets Cryptids Guide

This post contains spoilers, and this guide is currently incomplete, as Cryptids just released. I am adding things as I learn them.

The GigaPets Cryptids is a new edition to the lineup, released in October of 2023. GigaPets Cryptids is a three-pet device that features Bigfoot, Mothman, and Nessie. In order to play with Mothman and Nessie, you must first raise Bigfoot.

Caring for your Baby Bigfoot

Bigfoot is relatively easy to care for – you need to feed him, clean up after him, and play with him.

Feeding is the first icon – it looks like a berry. The first option, which looks like broccoli, is the healthy food, and the second option, which looks like berries, is the treat food.

The second icon is sleep. This icon looks like a moon and will put your Bigfoot to sleep.

The third icon, a bowling pin and a ball, is for the games.

Bigfoot has two games as a baby – the first option, which looks like a swirl, is a swing and jump game. To play this game, you use the left or right buttons, depending on which way you’re facing. For swinging, you push when the next rope is close to hop between them. For jumping, you press when you’re almost to the rocks to jump over them.

The second icon is a bowling alley. To play this game, you want to try to hit enter while the arrow is in the middle of the pins to take them all down.

The fourth icon, an ambulance, is for when your Bigfoot is sick.

The fifth icon, a chest, lets you switch between the pets once unlocked. Stats will still go down for all pets, regardless of whether or not they’re “active”.

The first icon on the bottom row looks like Nessie in a lake – this is your bathroom/cleaning.

The second icon on the bottom is a heart; this is your stats.

The third icon is a bell – Where you can train your Bigfoot. You have two options here: Reward and Tricks. You’ll want to reward your Bigfoot when they perform the tricker correctly. This also boosts the discipline score.

The fourth icon looks like Bigfoot and is discipline. Selecting this will discipline your pet if they are not behaving correctly. This will reduce your Bigfoot’s happiness and health. You can avoid this feature if you like instead of raising discipline through training.

The last icon is your alert/attention icon.

Adult Bigfoot

I’ll only review the differences between the baby and the adult bigfoot here. πŸ™‚

Your baby bigfoot will grow into an adult at ~ three years.

Food: The first is good food (I think it’s supposed to be leaves/salad?), and the second option, which looks like a beehive, is the treat.

Games: We get two different games for our adult bigfoot!

-Game 1 is sitting atop the Empire State Building and swatting the attackers. Use your left and right buttons to swat at the attackers. If they’re on the right, you want to be on the right side and push the right button to swat them away. Use enter to dodge the Starcats flying on brooms! I find it easiest to pick a side and sit there, swatting the planes when they spawn on my side.

-Game 2 is hiding behind a tree. Use your right and left buttons so you’re on the opposite side of the tree from the person.

Getting Your Second Pet

Once your baby bigfoot grows into an adult, you can get your second Cryptid! At this point, your alert icon and the chest icon will be flashing. Go to the chest icon and select who you would like to have for your second pet. The first option is Bigfoot, who you already have; the second is Nessie, and the third is Mothman.

In order to collect your second pet, you’re going to have to play a small minigame.

Nessie – Bigfoot will cast a line into a pond, and you’ll hook Nessie. Press left/right in the order of the icons that appear on the screen to catch Nessie.

Mothman – You’ll have three lights that flash a pattern. Use the left, right, and enter buttons to copy the pattern.

Baby Nessie

I’ll again just go over the differences here, instead of going back over everything. πŸ™‚

Food: Baby Nessie has two foods available – Seaweed, which is the food, and fruit which is the treat.

Games: Baby Nessie just has one game. Here you have to escape from being chased. Use your directional buttons to jump, and enter to duck.

You can download the PDF version of Cryptid’s instructions here! Thank you to Gigapets for supplying it! You guys have been amazingly helpful and informative, and I greatly appreciate it!