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GigaPets Pixie is the newest vpet from this retro toy maker. The pixie device itself is quite interesting in that it has a potion brewing system, 4 different mini games that advance in difficulty as your pixie grows, and quite a few various sound effects. All of these things are pretty impressive for a black and white vpet!
I haven’t found too much up for guides, so I decided to go ahead and make one!
Caring for your Pixie
Caring for your pixie is pretty simple. You feed it, and play games with it, as well as keep up your luck.
Feeding is the first icon, it looks like a little strawberry. Strawberry is the food, honey is the snack.
The second icon is sleep, it looks like a moon — Make sure you put your pixie to sleep in the evenings!
The third icon, which looks like a butterfly, is your games.
The fourth icon, which is a heart with a + on it, is the doctor.
The fifth icon, a little pixie head, is is your growth/evolution information, this is the last icon in the top row. It will show you when you can expect your pixie to evolve, and into what (the blinking line). It will shade out any evolutions you haven’t yet gotten.
The sixth icon (or the first one on the bottom row), a little leaf, is cleaning — this is how you bathe your pixie, or clean up poo.
The seventh icon (or second on the bottom row), a book, is information. This is where you check your pixie’s stats.
The eighth icon (or the third on the bottom row), a magic wand, is your potion/magic stuff.
The ninth icon (or fourth on the bottom row), a sack, is your inventory. This is where you can see what potion ingredients you have.
The tenth icon (or last on the bottom row) a flower with ?!, is your alert icon. This icon will blink if your pixie needs attention. Typically another icon will blink along with it to indicate what your pixie needs.
Evolution Guide
I’m sure everyone is wondering how you evolve your pixie… I was too, and couldn’t find a writeup anywhere, which is why decided to do this guide.
Your toddler pixie can evolve into 3 different pixies (I’m not counting Thorn here, as your pixie doesn’t really evolve into it. Once you fix your scores your pixie will go back to normal). These evolutions are: Tulip, Clover, and Mushroom for the first evolve (These are pictured on the back of your packaging, from left to right). The second evolves are Rose and Lily (these are the top of the evolution tree on the back of your package — they’re shadowed out).

Now, the question is…. How do we get these evolutions?
Tulip – Happiness potions
Clover – Luck potions
Mushroom – Health potions
Rose – Sun potions
Lily – Moon potions
You need to take at least one potion per day, per the instructions. It takes three (3) days for your first evolution, and four (4) days to move to your second evolution. The instructions suggest using two potions per day and then on the third day using three potions to ensure evolution.
Your pixie will not take any more potions if you do not have any luck. If you run out of luck, you’ll have to wait until it refills on the next day. If you keep a luck potion or two in your inventory, you can use these before your luck reaches 0 to gain more luck.
You must also keep your stats above 80%, and your bar needs to be full to evolve.
Potion Crafting
In order to craft your potions, you need to do the minigames in your magic icon. These involve matching.
Sun – You have to wait for suns to line up, and then hit the button. You select both at the same time. This awards you seeds.
Rain – You have to line up the rain clouds. Both will spin in the same direction, but you select the left first, and then the right to match them. This awards you dew.
Eclipse – You have to line up the eclipse icons. The wheels spin in opposite directions, but you’re selecting the left first, and then the right. This awards you fireflys.
Clover you acquire from playing games.
To craft potions, you select your cauldron, and then select two ingredients. The recipes are as follows:
Dew +
Firefly =
Dew +
Clover =
Dew +
Seed =
Health +
Luck =
Happiness +
Health =
You can download the PDF version of the Pixie’s instructions here! Thank you to Gigapets for supplying it! You guys have been amazingly helpful and informative, and I greatly appreciate it!
Thank you so much for the best info I’ve found on this gigapet. The batteries don’t last long and it resets after a change so I’m wondering with the days it takes to evolve how you could unlock the secret? I use my pet to remind me to drink water and have a snack because I have the hardest time remembering to fuel my body! I attached the gigapet to a badge leash so I can keep it on me. I recently saw they also make a Troll gigapet, I think I need to add that to my collection. 🙂
I love other adults embracing fun and not limiting themselves to social norms.
I’m glad you found this guide helpful! I haven’t had any issues with batteries in my Pixie not lasting very long — if you stick new ones in, and it eats them, you might try contacting Gigapets directly and see what they advise.
Yep! There’s a Troll! And Floppy Frog just went up for preorders! I’m happy they’re remaking some of the older ones while adding new things to the lineup. The Star Cat is also a lot of fun if you haven’t tried that one yet. 🙂 I have some info up for it too.
Thanks, I have a Starcat tamagotchi pet and I was very confused on the 2nd mini game (potion master) and you helped me a lot thanks! ???? ???? ????
Hey I just wanted to let you know this has been really helpful! I have the instructions and everything, but your handy potion chart is much easier to use and very convenient! I’m planning on writing up a review of this pet once I’m done running it and I’ll probably link here when I do. Thanks so much 🙂
Hi Bekah! I’m happy to hear that you found my guide helpful!
Hello, I was wondering if you could teach me about the Salem’s cat potion recipes My icons are different so I can’t tell wich is wich. Can you help me?
Unfortunately, I don’t have Salem. Sorry.
How do you get dew?
Hi Katelyn!
You need to do the minigame in your magic icon. 🙂 See the section called Potion Crafting.
Hi, I was wondering if you had any info about how the mini games work? My pixie evolved into clover type and now there are trees added in that first sunami chasing game and I have no clue how to get past them ???? thank you!
Omg, the same thing has been happening to me. Ive tried going through the branches, but that did not work.. I just figured it out! I don’t know if you still need this answer or have already figured it out, but you are supposed to press ‘enter’. I’ve been double pressing it, but it might work if you only do it once. This cast a spell(?) on the tree and makes it disappear. 🙂
Or any other ingredients? I don’t get it.
There’s mini games that you need to play in order to get the ingredients. You need to match things up in a particular way in order to get particular ingredients. You need to do Rain to get Dew, and match up the rain clouds in order to win.
And they don’t have names.
Hola, me encantó tu guía, fue de mucha utilidad. Gracias.
Una pregunta, A qué dirección me puedo dirigir para que me reparen mi Pixie?
Muchas gracias ????
You might contact Gigapets and see if they have anywhere they suggest.
This was so helpful thank you for sharing I never would have figured it out on my own lol
Hi! I have a giga pet pixie and I just recently unlocked the tulip, and I have had the tulip for about three days and the evolution bar hasn’t flashed at all. No matter what potions I take it still doesn’t do anything do you have anything idea on how to help me?????
It takes 4 days to go into the next evolution, and that’s if you’ve used enough potions. 🙂
I’ve used one of each kind of potion a day and the next one would be the mushroom but the bar won’t flash????
I’ve been having a problem with this as well. I think you might have to take just one potion a couple times a day like in a row. Mine has an evolved to the last evolution and it’s been like 20 days. And I just found this guide and took two moon potions one right after the other and the evolution bar hit one. I think your life has to also be at 80%.
I do say above that your stats need to be above 80%, and to use 2-3 potions per day to ensure evolution. I’m glad you got it figured out, though!