So, I received a heat press a few days ago, and finally got around to using it. I’ve made shirts before, by using an iron, which is a bit of a pain in the ass to be honest. Irons are such a small footprint, and it’s hard to keep pressure on them. I’ve seen posts in the Facebook groups where girls actually stand on their irons to get enough pressure! Bananas.
My heat press is a smaller model, only 9″x12″, and a swing away. Here’s a picture:
My workspace is in the basement and we’re not quite set up down there yet, so forgive the mess. As you can see, I’ve already got my shirt on, and my Teflon sheet ready to go as I wait on the press to heat up. I do like that I can push the part that can burninate me out of the way!
This Mew shirt is my finished project. It’s just on a cheapie shirt from Walmart. This was my first time layering, too, and it went quite well!
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